How Dangerous Is Swine Flu?

Experts say it is difficult to say at this time. In Mexico people infected have died, while all have been back in the other countries. There are reports that the symptoms of infection are people outside of Mexico milder, compared to some cases in Mexico.

Antivirals such as Tamiflu, has been shown to be very effective in treating patients infected with swine flu. Most developed countries have large shares this antivirals. English, for example, have enough antivirals to treat 35 million people - more than half the country's total population. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has announced a stock will increase so that 50 million people can be treated.

Why have people died of swine flu in Mexico but not in other countries?

Nobody is sure. Any of these factors could play a part:

  • Mexicans who died may have sought treatment at a much later stage, compared to those in other countries.
  • All the other countries so far are highly developed industrialized countries.
  • General living conditions and nutritional standards of those who died in Mexico may have been lower, compared with those who survived in Mexico and abroad.
  • The possibility that there may be two viruses circulating - a mild one and a more virulent one - has not been discounted yet.


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